Welcome to FamilyCensus.com, an internet gateway for genealogical databases.
This directory lists all of the database links that I have found on the internet
for census data, vital statistics, and cemetery records, whether available on CD
or by online subscription, whether free or fee-based. There are a lot of databases
available on the internet, but it is surprisingly hard to find sites which have
their databases organized very logically. So, I have categorized them here first
by type, and then sorted them on Country/(State)/Region/(County)/City/Town/Year,
etc. Hopefully, you will find the effort useful!
Note: If you know of additional census data links which would be of benefit to other
genealogists, please
contact me so I can include them in future drafts. Also, if you have data that
you have personally extracted into electronic format which you would be willing to
share (whether for free or fee-based), please feel free to
contact me for inclusion in this listing.
All links on this site will take you directly to the provider's page which fully
describes the data held in the collection. To start, select the type of data you
are looking for from the menu and Happy Rooting!